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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - none


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~1 pron 1 not any of something  (I was going to offer you some cake but there's none left. | none of)  (Everyone was talking about it - it did not matter to them that none of it was true. | She had inherited none of her mother's beauty. | none at all/none whatsoever)  ("Any mail arrive today?" "None whatsoever.") 2 not any of a number of people or things  (none of)  (None of my friends phone me anymore. | None of you need worry. | None of their promises were kept. | none)  (Of all the movies Hepburn made none is more memorable than `Breakfast at Tiffany's'. | Perhaps none felt the effects more than Peter.) 3 not one thing or person  (Even an old car is better than none. | none at all)  (It'd be better to make some sort of decision than none at all.) 4 have none of sth to not allow someone to do something or to not allow someone to behave in a particular way  (This time I'll have none of her tears and tantrums. | We offered to pay our half of the cost but Charles would have none of it.) 5 none but literary only  (None but she would have been capable of such strength and courage.) 6 none other (than) used when you are surprised that a particular person, especially someone famous, has done something  (The mystery guest turned out to be none other than Cher herself.)  (- see also nonetheless, second to none second1 (6), bar none bar3 (2))  ( USAGE NOTE: NONE FORMALITY When none of is followed by a plural n, it usually takes a plural v in ordinary spoken English None of us are ready yet. In formal writing a singular v is used None of our factories is in operation yet. Some people believe the singular is the only correct form.  
) ~2 adv 1 none the worse/better etc not at all worse, better etc than before  (She seems none the worse for her experience. | none the wiser (=not knowing any more about something than you did at the beginning))  (I've read the instruction book from cover to cover, but I'm still none the wiser.) 2 none too informal not at all  (I was none too pleased to have to take the exam again.)
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. None of something means not even a small amount of it. None of a group of people or things means not even one of them. She did none of the maintenance on the vehicle itself... None of us knew how to treat her. QUANT: QUANT of def-n • None is also a pronoun. I turned to bookshops and libraries seeking information and found none... No one could imagine a great woman painter. None had existed yet... Only two cars produced by Austin-Morris could reach 100 mph and none could pass the 10-second acceleration test. PRON 2. If you say that someone will have none of something, or is having none of something, you mean that they refuse to accept it. (INFORMAL) He knew his own mind and was having none of their attempts to keep him at home. PHRASE: be inflects, PHR n 3. You use none too in front of an adjective or adverb in order to emphasize that the quality mentioned is not present. (FORMAL) He was none too thrilled to hear from me at that hour... Her hand grasped my shoulder, none too gently. PHRASE: PHR adj/adv c darkgreen]emphasis 4. You use none the to say that someone or something does not have any more of a particular quality than they did before. You could end up committed to yet another savings scheme and none the wiser about managing your finances... He became convinced that his illness was purely imaginary: that made it none the better. = no PHRASE: PHR compar 5. none of your business: see business none other than: see other second to none: see second ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. pronoun, singular or plural in construction  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nan, from ne not + an one — more at no, one  Date: before 12th century  1. not any  2. not one ; nobody  3. not any such thing or person  4. no part ; nothing  II. adjective  Date: before 12th century archaic not any ; no  III. adverb  Date: 1651  1. by no means ; not at all ~ too soon to begin  2. in no way ; to no extent ~ the worse for wear  IV. noun  Usage: often capitalized  Etymology: Late Latin nona, from Latin, 9th hour of the day from sunrise — more at noon  Date: 1845 the fifth of the canonical hours ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. pron., adj., & adv. --pron. 1 (foll. by of) a not any of (none of this concerns me; none of them have found it; none of your impudence!). b not any one of (none of them has come). Usage The verb following none in this sense can be singular or plural according to the sense. 2 a no persons (none but fools have ever believed it). b no person (none can tell). --adj. (usu. with a preceding noun implied) 1 no; not any (you have money and I have none; would rather have a bad reputation than none at all). 2 not to be counted in a specified class (his understanding is none of the clearest; if a linguist is wanted, I am none). --adv. (foll. by the + compar., or so, too) by no amount; not at all (am none the wiser; are none too fond of him). Phrases and idioms none the less nevertheless. none other (usu. foll. by than) no other person. none-so-pretty London Pride. Etymology: OE nan f. ne not + an ONE 2. n. (also in pl.) 1 the office of the fifth of the canonical hours of prayer, orig. said at the ninth hour (3 p.m.). 2 this hour. Etymology: F f. L nona fem. sing. of nonus ninth: cf. NOON ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) ни один 2) никакой 3) никто 4) нисколько 5) ничто 6) совсем не all or none data — матем. данные типа "да или нет", дихотомия none the less tem — не менее - none at all - none the less ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. уст. никакой to render grants of none effect —- оказывать бесполезные услуги 2. (преим. перед too, so) совсем не, вовсе не none so good —- вовсе не хороший, неважный none too well —- неважно, плохо the look he gave me was none too amiable —- он посмотрел на меня не очень приветливо he was none too soon —- он еле-еле успел, он пришел в последнюю минуту they love each other none too well —- они недолюбливают друг друга I got home none too early —- хорошо, что я вовремя приехал домой the pay is none too high —- зарплата отнюдь не высокая 3. в сочетании с определенным артиклем и сравнит. ст. прилагательного и наречия: ничуть не he is none the happier for his wealth —- он не стал (ничуть) счастливее, несмотря на все свое богатство; богатство не сделало его счастливым I am none the better for it —- мне от этого ничуть не легче he is none the worse for his experience —- переживания его нисколько не изменили 4. ам. совсем не I slept none last night —- я сегодня (эту ночь) совсем не спал we progressed none since... —- мы (нисколько) не продвинулись вперед со времен... has civilization advanced none from the fifth century? —- разве цивилизация нисколько не продвинулась вперед с пятого века? 5. pron употр. с гл. во мн. и ед. ч.: никто, ни один (из какого-л. числа); ничто, ни один, никакой (из какого-л. количества) none of them is (are) known to us —- мы никого...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  the less тем не менее NONE the worse ничуть не хуже, еще лучше NONE  1. pron.; neg.  1) никто, ничто; ни один; he has three daughters, none are/is married - у него три дочери, ни одна не замужем  2) никакой none but - никто кроме, только none of that! - перестань!  2. adv. нисколько, совсем не; I slept none that night amer. - в ту ночь я совсем не спал I am none the better for it - мне от этого не легче none the less - нисколько не меньше; тем не менее NON-EFFECTIVE  1. adj. недействительный, непригодный  2. noun солдат/матрос, негодный к строевой службе (вследствие ранения и т.п.) ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. nan "not one, not any," from ne "not" (see no) + an "one." As an adj., reduced now to no except in a few archaic phrases, especially before vowels, such as none other, none the worse. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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